Funding Results

The applicants should follow the Rules for cost reimbursement. Note that these rules are very strict.

2024A Call

The total number of applications requested is 6.150 euros, and the retained applications and funding total is 6.855 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Frothingham Albuquerque, USA Montepellier, France
 Barjot Colgne, Germany Mount Wilson, USA
 Snaith Exeter, UK Nice France
 Laugier Leuven, Belgium Nice, France
 Paul Exeter, UK Nice, France


2024A VLTI School Call

Funding totalling 5.830 euros was awarded to school attendees. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Kaczmarek Poznan, Poland Nice, France
 Ptak Poznan, Poland Nice, France
 Elliot Baton Rouge, USA Nice, France
 Tiburcio Baton Rouge, USA Nice, France
 Coumarbatch Atlanta, USA Nice, France
 Da Silva Rio de Janeiro, Brazill Nice, France
 Nagar Cologne, Germany Nice, France
 Mittal Venice, Italy Nice, France


2023B Call

The total number of applications requested is 7.500 euros, and the retained applications and funding total is 4.500 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Dinkelaker Potsdam, Germany Mount Wilson, USA
 Mayer Potsdam. Germany Mount Wilson, USA
 Rastau Vienna, Austria Santiago, Chile


2023A Call

The total number of applications requested is 1.500 euros, and the retained applications and funding total is 1.500 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
LaugierLeuven, Belgium Nice, France 


2022B call

The total number of applications requested is 10.600 euro, and the retained applications and funding total is 8.600 euro. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Bourdarot Garching, Germany Grenoble, France 
 Chhabra Exeter, UK Merate, Italy
 Hadjara Santiago, Chile Nice, France
 Hron Vienna, Austria Nice, France
 Moszczynski Meudon, France Nice, France
 Sanchez Mexico, Mexico Santiago de Chile, Chile
 Wojtczak Cologne, Germany Grenoble, France


2022A VLTI School Call

Funding totalling 7.520 euros was awarded to school attendees. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Abello Nice, France Budapest, Hungary 
 Antonietti Bologna, Italy Budapest, Hungary 
 Bonduelle Grenoble, France Budapest, Hungary 
 Choudhuri Garching, Germany Budapest, Hungary 
 Codron Exeter, United Kingdom Budapest, Hungary 
 Garreau Leuven, Belgium Budapest, Hungary 
 Hildebrandt Kiel, Germany Budapest, Hungary 
 Houllé Nice, France Budapest, Hungary 
 Kaczmarek Poznan, Poland Budapest, Hungary 
 Liu Edinburgh, United Kingdom Budapest, Hungary 
 Lu Exeter, United Kingdom Budapest, Hungary 
 Majidi Padova, Italy Budapest, Hungary 
 Nowacki Grenoble, France Budapest, Hungary 
 Ptak Poznan, Poland Budapest, Hungary 
 Rebrysh Padova, Poland Budapest, Hungary 
 Sarkar Tübingen, Germany Budapest, Hungary 
 Schiappacasse Ulloa Padova, Poland Budapest, Hungary 
 van Gaalen Leiden, The Netherlands Budapest, Hungary 
 Vandal Nice, France Budapest, Hungary 
 Vani Heidelberg, Germany Budapest, Hungary 
 Vitali Rome, Italy Budapest, Hungary 
 Zuleta Munich, Germany Budapest, Hungary 


2022A Call

The total number of applications requested is 1.500 euros, and the retained applications and funding total is 1.500 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
Ramakrishnan Kylmälä, Finland Grenoble, France 


2021B Call

The total number of applications requested was 3.800 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 3.350 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Varga Leiden, The Netherlands Heidelberg, Germany 
 Mobeen  Torun, Poland Nice, France
 Pourré Nice, France Garching, Germany


2021A Call

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no applications were received. Funded exchanges in past calls will resume when the pandemic situation allows. The 2021B call will be issued in the normal schedule.

2020B VLTI School Call

The total number of applications requested was 4.540 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 1.850 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Kim Bonn 2021 VLTI School, Valbonne, France
 Korth Mönchengladbach 2021 VLTI School, Valbonne, France
 Yoffe Heidelberg 2021 VLTI School, Valbonne, France


2020A Call

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no applications were received. Funded exchanges in past calls will resume when the pandemic situation allows. The 2020B call will be issued in the normal schedule.

2019B Call

The total number of applications requested was 4.480 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 3.580 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Eupen Koln Heidelberg
 Ganci Koln Heidelberg
 Hron Vienna Nice
 Marcos-Arenal Madrid Leeds
 Sanchez Bermudez Mexico Granada


2019A Call

The total number of applications requested was 3.780 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 3.780 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Kravchenko Santiago de Chile   Nice
 Montargès Leuven Nice
 Tuthill Sydney Garching


2018B Extra Call

The total number of applications requested was 12.650 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 9.000 euros. The funded applications are:
 Name From To
 Dandumont   Liége Zurich
 Juhasz Cambridge Santiago de Chile
 Klarmann Heidelberg Grenoble
 Lau Sagamihara City Nice
 Lykou Hong Kong Santiago de Chile
 Sanchez Santiago de Chile   Granada
 Soulain Nice Santiago de Chile
 Tsvetkova Sofia Santiago de Chile

2018B Call

The total number of applications requested is 3.000 euros, and the retained applications and funding total is 2.500 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Garcia Porto Santiago de Chile
 Boley Moscow Heidelberg


2018A VLTI School Call

The retained applications total a funding of 6.555 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Breuval Paris Lisbon
 Derlopa Athens Lisbon
 Drabek-Maunder Cardiff Lisbon
 Itrich Torún Lisbon
 Klarmann Amsterdam Lisbon
 Lazzoni Padova Lisbon
 Nayak Potsdam Lisbon
 Otulakowska-Hypka Poznan Lisbon
 Rodríguez-Coira Paris Lisbon
 Stankevičiūtė Warsaw Lisbon
 Stock Munich Lisbon
 Tsvetkova Sofia Lisbon
 Umbriaco Padiva Lisbon
 Vermot Paris Lisbon
 Zarrilli Exeter Lisbon


2018A Call

The total number of applications requested is 6.000 euro, and the retained applications and funding total is 5.600 euro. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Bermudez Santiago de Chile Heidelberg
 Hadjara Antofagasta Nice
 Jones Atlanta Nice
 Ohnaka Antofagasta Bonn


2017B Call

The total number of applications requested was 2.657 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 2.200 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Koutoulaki Dublin Santiago de Chile
 Jamialahmadi Teheran Graz


2017A Call

The total number of applications requested is 8.267 euro, and the retained applications and funding total is 5.212 euro. The funded applications are:

 Name From To Publications
 Gabányi Budapest Nice 
 Jamialahmadi Teheran Nice 
 Kobus Kiel Bonn 
 Lanthermann Grenoble An Harbour 
 Surya Bangalore Nice 
 Varga Budapest Nice 


2016A Extra Call

The total number of applications requested was 12.347 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 10.400 euros. The funded applications are:






 Santiago de Chile




















2016A Call

The total number of applications requested was 17.500 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 13.400 euros. The funded applications are:






 Santiago de Chile



 Santiago de Chile















 Santiago de Chile



 Santiago de Chile





2015B Call

The total number of applications requested is 4.020 euro, and the retained applications and funding total is 2.720 euro. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Cahuash Koln Nice
 Heiter Uppsala Nice
 Shulyak Göttingen Porto
 Steward Sydney Leiden


2015A VLTI School Call

The retained applications total a funding of 9.290 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Abahamid Marrakesh Koln
 Anugu Porto Koln
 Borskri Marrakesh Koln
 Garcia Porto Koln
 Guerrero Rio de Janeiro Koln
 Hone Exeter Koln
 Jurkic Rijeka Koln
 Khorrami Nice Koln
 Kraus Exeter Koln
 Peña Madrid Koln
 Rakshit Deli Koln
 Soulain Paris Koln
 Tristam Santiago de Chile Koln
 Varga Budapest Koln
 Wisniowski Warszawa Koln


2015A Call

The total number of applications requested was 12.624 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 9.400 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Grellmann Koln Graz
 Klarmann Amsterdam Grenoble
 Mayer Vienna Brussels
 Pribulla Slovakia Santiago de Chile
 Regaly Budapest Cambridge
 Sanchez Granada Nice
 Surya Banglore Nice
 Varga Budapest Graz


2014B Call

The total number of applications requested is 5.751 euro, and the retained applications and funding total is 4.600 euro. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Anugu Porto Garching
 Benisty Grenoble Cambridge
 Challouf Tunis Nice
 Koehler Vienna Heidelberg
 Lykou Vienna Brussels


2014A Call

The total number of applications requested was 10.949 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 8.400 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Anugu Porto Garching
 Challouf Tunis Nice
 Koehler Heidelberg Kiel
 MacDonald Sidney Nice
 Ontiveros Bonn Santiago de Chile
 Surya Bangalore Paris/Nice


2013B Call

The total number of applications requested was 10.349 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 7.400 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Challouf Tunis Nice
 Gordo Lisbon Garching
 GrellmannSantiago de Chile Grenoble
 Hadjara Algiers Nice
 Ontiveros Bonn Tenerife
 Schmidt Socorro Cambridge


2013A VLTI School Call

The retained applications totaled a funding of 2.900 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Anugu Porto Barcelonnette
 Fabas Tenerife Barcelonnette
 Gabányi Budapest Barcelonnette
 Kravchenko Ukraine Barcelonnette
 Kurek Krakow Barcelonnette
 Lykou Manchester Barcelonnette
 Pope Oxford Barcelonnette
 Rau Vienna Barcelonnette
 Sejnova Budapest Barcelonnette
 Shulyak Gottingen Barcelonnette
 Stavros Athens Barcelonnette
 Vida Budapest Barcelonnette


2013A Call

The total number of applications requested was 16.936 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 12.000 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Anugu Porto Lisbon
 Ellerbroek Amsterdam Grenoble
 Gabányi Budapest Leiden
 Grellmann Santiago de Chile Munchen
 Karovicova Heidelberg Cambridge
 Köhler Heidelberg Kiel
 Monnier Ann Arbor St. Michel l'Observatoire
 Müller Santiago de Chile Heidelberg
 Ó Riain Dublin Nice
 Paladini Brussels Grenoble
 Paladini Brussels Vienna
 Pott Heidelberg Nice
 Saglam Göttingen Glasgow


2012B Call (missions during 2013)

The total number of applications requested was 4.300 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 3.500 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Choquet Paris Heidelberg
 Elias Socorro Heidelberg
 Scott Paris Bern


2012 Extra Call (missions until the end of 2012)

The total number of applications requested was 6.245 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 3.945 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name FromTo
 Choquet Paris Heidelberg
 Gabanyi Budapest Leiden
 Kospal Noordwijk Heidelberg
 Lebreton Grenoble Amsterdam
 Mosoni Budapest Heidelberg
 Ober Kiel Nice


2012A Call

The total number of applications requested was 19.895 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 13.200 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name From To
 Anugu Porto Lisbon
 Bigot Nice Brussels
 Bright Sydney Nice
 Clarke London Meudon
 Defrere Bonn Grenoble
 Garcia Porto Garching
 Kok Sydney Garching
 McCracken MROI Cambridge
 Millour Nice Vienna
 Montarges Meudon Bonn


2011B Call

The total number of applications requested was 12.855 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 8.050 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name    From To
 Benisty Heidelberg Grenoble
 Cusano Bologna Vienna
 Farrington CHARA Nice
 Garcia-Lopez Bonn Rome
 Hadjara Algiers Nice
 Jurgenson MROI Cambridge
 Kluska Grenoble ESO/Santiago
 Labadie Köln Jena
 Minardi Jena Köln
 Paladini Vienna ESO/Garching
 Thiebaut Lyon Porto


2011A Call

The total number of applications requested is 15.933 euro, and the retained applications and funding total is 9.230 euro. The funded applications are:

 Name    From To
 Amorim Lisbon Garching
 Benisty Heidelberg Arcetri
 Garcia Porto Grenoble
 Klotz Vienna Stockholm
 Minardi Paris Jena
 Patru Chile Nice
 Podio Groningen Arcetri
 Pribulla Slovakia Paris
 Roccatagliata Heidelberg Munich
 Zielinski Torun Slovakia


2011A AMBER/VLTI School Call

The retained applications total a funding of 1.638,64 euros.

 Name    From To
 Delaa Nice Grenoble
 Gallene Meudon Grenoble
 Gordon Cambridge Grenoble
 Grellmann Munich Grenoble
 Haubois Meudon Grenoble
 Klotz Vienna Grenoble
 Ligi Nice Grenoble
 Montarges Paris Grenoble
 Paladini Vienna Grenoble
 Rea Cambridge Grenoble


2010B Call

The total number of applications requested was 11.941 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 8.100 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name    From To
 Chiavassa Garching Nice
 Creech-Eakman Socorro Cambridge
 Garcia Porto Grenoble
 Gomes Garching Lyon
 Renard Grenoble Santiago
 Sipos Budapest Heidelberg
 Sumangala-Rao Banglore Leuven
 Villate Porto Garching


2010A Call

The total number of applications requested was 13.980 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 8.320 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name    From To
 Amorim Lisbon Garching
 Blanco Granada Nice
 Paladini Viena Garching
 Rajabi Porto Paranal
 Sahlmann Geneva Garching
 ten Brummelaar Atlanta Nice
 Tristam Bonn Leiden
 Vanko Slovakia Torun
 Villate Porto Garching


2010A VLTI School Call

The total number of applications requested was 11.523 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 8.017 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name    From To
 Aliaz Bonn VLTI school
 Blanco Granada VLTI school
 Bright Sidney VLTI school
 Carvas Lisbon VLTI school
 Chrysoula Thessaloniki VLTI school
 Hillen Leuven VLTI school
 Panagiotis Thessaloniki VLTI school
 Otulakowska Warsaw VLTI school
 Spaleniak Jena VLTI school
 Sánchez Granada VLTI school
 Wheelwright Leeds VLTI school


2009B Call

The total number of applications requested was 12.860 euros, and the retained applications and funding totalled 8.300 euros. The funded applications are:

 Name    From To
 Bright Sidney Nice
 Defrere Liege Grenoble
 Grellman Munich VLTI school
 Lykou Jodrell Bank VLTI school
 Perrin Paris Porto
 Rajabi Porto Florence
 Sipos Konkoly Heidelberg